Wednesday, June 17, 2009

BOOO 4 the Amazon Kindle

So everywhere I go I have seen these advertisements for the amazon Kindle. Basically the kindle is this hand-held wireless machine that allows people to read books off it. So you download a book onto the machine and BAM! ur favorite book is automatically in your hand on this thin portable screen. According to amazon the kindle was
-"designed [sic] with long-form reading in mind. When reading for long periods of time, people naturally shift positions and often like to read with one hand. Kindle's page-turning buttons are located on both sides, allowing you to read and turn pages comfortably with one hand from any position"
-"The ultimate travel companion, Kindle weighs 10.2 ounces and holds more than 1,500 books. No longer pick and choose which books fit in your carry-on. Now you can always have your entire library with you". (cuz it hold 1500 books)
It also utilizes G3 so that within 60 seconds your book will be loaded onto your hand-held computer book thingy. Not only that but you are able to go onto wikipedia and look up information if necessary, the screen has a paper like look being that it "Utilizing the latest in electronic-ink display technology", thus there is "no glare or backlight, reading on Kindle is nothing like reading from a computer screen", there is an option that allows the device to read to you if you are too lazy to read on your own, your able to write in the margins and highlight certain areas in the the book...ok ok i think i have said enough too much infact that it may make yall want to go out there and buy one. Oh yess cuz i wanted to buy one when I 1st saw it last summer (but fortunately i am too poor and broke to be able to afford one of those so I would just look at it online) None the less I am glad that I am unable to afford one of those kindle things. I mean this new technology has taken the fun out of reading! Thats right i said fun and reading in one sentence.
Now my opinion def is going to be biased being that as a child I LOVED (and still do) to read. I would read anything any where...a book was always in my hand and i enjoyed trips to the bookstore (to this day I would find myself in a bookstore trying to decide which two books out of a stack of 6 I should purchase). Anywho reading is important being that this is the way you gain information and knowledge (but this is also dependent upon whose book your reading and their opinions and views that have shaped the book you are reading)
Let me tell you a comfortable afternoon to me is me, a beer,a (good/critical) book, a pen or pencil and an ashtray (need i say what thas for). I get xcited just thinking about the first crease i put in the binding of my new book and how ready the pages are for me to mark em up with questions and statements such as "wow", "did he/she really just say that", "this point is connected to that point because...", "this is representative of..." and so forth.
Recently i realized how the Kindle is attempting to take away the joyus moment i share with my books. The smell and feel of a new book has all been replaced by a white flat electronic handheld device that essentially puts the answers and simplifies everything for me. Not to say simplicity is not welcomed in my world...but i do feel as though when it comes to reading and research simplicity is not always good.

Now i am not gonna say that the kindle is all bad cuz it may work for some know people that travel alot and want to read their favorite book but don't want to deal with carrying a bunch of book with them on the road or...well honestly those are the only people that i can think of that would need the kindle. None the less I am mad at this new Kindle revolution that is coming about attempting to make reading off of a screen (even though it has a paper look to it its still a screen that you are reading from!! silly billys) better then going to the store and buyin a book and using your hands to flip pages and write notes in the margin (i mean cmon we dont exercise enough as it is already so we cant deal with holding a book and flipping the pages at the sametime??).
And i am not fooled by this whole concept of saving the trees...i dont buy a book to read and then toss it! I either keep it or i pass it on to the next person to read (and i know there are other ways to print books without destroying trees duh!)
I mean the kindle to me seems like another frivolous way that we are being told to spend our money because if it were something so spectacular and useful it would not cost damn near 400 bucks (thats rent $ in some places)
So if i were you I would not believe the hype! I say we all should rebel that means go to your local used bookstore (yess not a bookstore chain cuz their prices and selections are horrible...I will write another blog about that..yess Barnes & Noble that means i am comin for ya!) purchase all the books u can afford and read em, write notes in the margin, make dogears, talk to others about that book you read or pass it on to a friend, enjoy making creases in the binding of your books! and Read Read Read !!!!!
Keep being critical!

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